January 2023

As the summer sun shines on the beautiful principality of Monaco, we would like to invite you to join us for a fundraiser apero. This will be a special evening as we will be raising funds for a youth-run charity that aims at combatting hunger world-wide.

We invite you to come and enjoy some refreshing drinks and delicious appetizers while endorsing a worthy cause. The venue offers a stunning setting with views of the Mediterranean Sea, and we promise a splendid evening.

How can you make an impact?

This project in Turin, Italy would not be possible without the support of donors like yourself! You can make an impact with as little as 5 CHF to provide a warm two course meal to stranger who is struggling to get along. Show your support, make an impact in someone’s life today.

Situation Overview

Swiss Relief Association with the collaboration of Foundation Cottolengo, have launched two food banks in Quito, Ecuador which provide approx. 4,300 meals monthly to range of people varying from school children to adults. This has a significant impact on the North Quito community, as no other food bank in the neighborhood has such capacity. The primary food bank focuses on providing daily school meals, which secures children remain in school rather than going to find a job to feed themselves. Whilst our secondary food bank focuses on providing grocery supply bags to families twice a week. These efforts are made to create an positive impact on struggling families and individuals which cannot cope with the financial demands. Removing the financial strain on whether there will be a meal, allows them to focus on their education and peruse other opportunities.

This is our association’s flagship project which is expected to double the meals capacity by Q2 2023 to provide 8,600 meals monthly to wider pool of people within the community. Our Director of Operations, Paolo is in charge of overseeing the project with the assistance of project coordinator Deon. For more information either contact or

How can you make an impact?

You can either support a child with school meals or family with grocery supply bag of fresh ingredients. The choice is yours, whose life will you impact today? Check out our donation tab to see how far your donation will impact in terms of lives.

Swiss Relief Association Annual Gala

We will be hosting a gala in January 2023 to fundraise for this project’s expansion. If you would be interested to participate please contact (tickets) or (Marketing/Sponsor)


Currently this project has been funded by a private individual. However, we are actively looking for a corporate sponsor to fund an endowment fund to secure the project continuation for years to come. Please contact for more information.

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